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This Article Explain the role of DHT in hair loss and how to reduce DHT for hair loss treatment

how to reduce DHT - Male and female adults can lose hair as a consequence of changes in the metabolism of androgen in the body (commonly in men), this is usually caused by a buildup of DHT in the scalp which can impede the flow of nutrients to the hair follicles.

What is DHT? 

the structure of hair folicle DHT
image credit : wikimedia

DHT is short for Dihydrotestosterone, is actually male sex hormone, an androgen. DHT synthesized in the adrenal glands, prostate, hair follicles, testes.

DHT occurs when the enzymes of the skin and scalp make contact with testosterone.

DHT plays a major role in hair loss, is the enemy of hair follicles on your head. Under certain conditions DHT wants those hair follicles dead by blocking the nutrients supply.

DHT on the other hand is essential in the development of male characteristics during puberty such as facial hair, muscular appearance etc.

In later in man life, DHT only has a causative role in acne, prostatic hypertrophy (enlargement of the prostate), and hair loss.”

DHT causes balding

Male Pattern Baldness hairloss

DHT is not directly causing the hair to fall out, but DHT actually restricts the follicles ability to produce hair growth by blocking the nutrients flow to hair follicles.

But balding is genetic, some people aren’t affected by DHT in the scalp but in those who have a genetic tendency to hair loss, the hair follicles are particularly sensitive to the effects of DHT.

 Lowering DHT

In order to promote hair growth, some treatment should be done to lower DHT in the scalp.

How to Reduce DHT Naturally

Add soy foods in your diet menu, According to a Harvard Medical School Study published in a 2003 edition of the Journal of Nutrition, soy foods inhibit the formation of DHT and reduce DHT. Whole soy foods like tempeh, tofu and soybeans. Foods that are made of soy are naturally low in cholesterol, which helps to prevent DHT from being released in your body.

Green tea can block the formation of DHT

Drink black/green tea regularly. The Harvard study also found that black tea decreased DHT formation. Green tea might be beneficial as well, green tea removes toxins from the body and can help re-grow hair.

Seafood, particularly shellfish, contains high levels of zinc, which, according to, is a natural DHT blocker.

Natural DHT Blocker

This section will explain how to reduce DHT levels using organic and natural ingredients. Some ingredients is proven to be effective to lower DHT even though they won’t stop DHT permanently.

  • Pumpkin Seed

Pumpkin seed can be beneficial to stop the production of DHT on the scalp, and also inhibits DHT through the liver. Apply pumpkin seed oil to the scalp before bedtime for regularly, leave overnight and wash in the morning
pumpkin seed oil to prevent baldness
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  • Nettle Root

Aside from it's healing properties, Nettle root reduces DHT and thickens hair. Take nettle tablets daily with water to overcome bitter taste in your mouth.
  • Saw Palmetto

An extract of saw palmetto berries may block 5-alpha-reductase, an enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT, Saw palmetto prevents DHT from forming and allows more proteins to penetrate your hair follicles, resulting in thicker hair. Take saw palmetto capsules twice daily.

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Written by Lovely

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