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Male Pattern Baldness - Dear Readers, the male pattern baldness is the most common cause of hair loss which occurs in men at some stage, it  affects over half of men to some extent at the age of 50 and most men at some stage in their lives (age 20).
male pattern baldness
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The condition is sometimes referred to androgenetic alopecia. Usually, it takes 15-25 years to reach a total baldness. However, but it some cases  some men go total bald in fewer than five years.


Male pattern baldness is related to the genes and male sex hormones especially testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is the most significant cause of hair loss. It blocks the hair folicle to get sufficient nutrients.

Hair is made in hair follicles which are under the skin surface. A hair normally grows from each follicle for about 3 years and then shed and a new hair grows from the follicle. This cycle of hair growth goes on throughout life. To grow normal, hair folicle needs sufficient nutrients.

norwood of male pattern baldness stage


Usually, at the beginning the hair starts to recede on the temples of the scalp and also at the top of the head. A bald patch gradually developed in the middle of the scalp. Receding sides and bald on the crown gradually enlarged, leaving the patch in front.

stages of male pattern baldness


Male pattern baldness is pure a cosmetic issues, basically, it is not associated with a serious health condition, but if the patient is not confident with his physical appearance, There are some treatments that can be done to at least to slow down the process of balding.

  • Minoxidil 5%, a solution that is applied directly to the scalp topically to stimulate the hair follicles. although in the essence, the use of finasteride is not to treat baldness. It slows hair loss for many men, and some men grow new hair.
  • Finasteride the medicine that hampers with the production of DHT.  It slows hair loss. It works slightly better than minoxidil. Hair loss will be more severe when patients stop using it.
  • Hair transplants, is a more permanent solution besides  the developments of this methode has grow rapidly and diversely with more promising results, but of course, this kind of treatment is quite expensive.

Treatment is not necessary if you are comfortable with your appearance. Hair weaving, hairpieces, or change of hairstyle may disguise the hair loss. This is usually the least expensive and safest approach for male baldness.
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Written by Lovely

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